
You’ve come to the right place for information! We’ve rounded-up all the important announcements and event details Sanderson families need to know. 

Weekly Newsletter

Please be sure to read through our latest weekly newsletter located here on the News page. We will continue to add to this information, so please check back often!

Please Dress for Cold Weather - News from Nurse Mikaela

Please send your children to school dressed for the weather! Except for extremely cold weather, most classes will be outside for recess every day. If your child doesn’t have snow pants when there is snow on the ground, they will have to stay on the blacktop. We have some extra gear in the health office to borrow, but we run out quickly. 

We could always use additional waterproof mittens, jackets, and snow pants if you have extra at home. Please review the school district’s guidelines for dressing for the weather. Please contact the nurse's office via email if you need help getting cold-weather clothing.

Stay up to Date

Thank you for visiting our website! We always have a lot going on here at Sanderson Academy. Be sure to check back often!